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Leadership at Bethany


Pastor Carl Tiner

Carl Tiner was born in 1957 in Los Angeles, California. His parents, Carl and Joy Tiner, migrated from Oklahoma during the dust bowl, in the 30s, to Southern California. After her doctor told Joy she could not conceive because of an accident on her father’s farm when she was very young, Carl & Joy prayed for children.  They miraculously conceived and had their first child 9 months later.  Joy died while giving birth to her first child.  The doctor pulled the sheet over her head and pronounced her dead.  She went to heaven, saw Jesus, had a wonderful encounter with Him, and He sent her back after almost 3 hours in Heaven. 

Carl’s parents ended up having six children by the Grace of God.  He was number 4. Carl’s father would accompany his older sister to help with the worship at some of the large tent-revivals of the forties and fifties in southern California. He played the guitar and sang.

Carl was a contractor for many years. He had the privilege of building, and helping to build, 5 churches including 2 churches that he helped his father with.  

Carl had the privilege of assisting his parents in the ministry from his childhood, after he was married, and as an ordained minister. Carl was bivocational. He owned and operated a construction company and served as youth pastor/associate pastor in southern California. The Lord told Carl that he was not called to build buildings, but that he was called to build people and directed him to go into ministry full-time. 

Carl then went into full-time ministry as associate pastor at Cornerstone Assembly. In 1991, Carl and Cheryl moved up to Crescent City, California to minister with his parents. Services were growing so large that they had to knock walls down to create an overflow section. They were seeing anywhere from 350 to 600 attendees and 150 youth. People were getting saved and delivered. Miracles, signs and wonders broke out. 

Carl also assisted his parents with other churches and always saw the power of God present and saw many come to Jesus. He was saved at the age of eight. His parents would have family Bible devotional times.  One time his parents were sharing the verse with all their children, “if you don’t love God more than you love your father and mother then you wouldn’t make it to heaven.” So, he walked out of that room into the hallway and knew he wanted to go to heaven.  He asked God to help him to know how to love God more than his parents. That was the day he was saved. Since then, Carl has been a part of countless revival services and has seen the Lord move in amazing ways, from healings, deliverance, sign and wonders. He grew up during a time when church was revival, and knew no difference between the two. 

Carl enlisted in the United States Air Force in the 70’s. He then became a licensed minster in 1984 becoming ordained in 1986.


Years later, the Lord spoke to Carl and Cheryl and asked them to move to north Texas. He said, “I want a move of God in this region like I did in Northern California.” So they moved their family to north Texas in May of 1998. They began looking for a home in Allen, TX and later moved into their first home on Thanksgiving Day 1998. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Bethany Worship Center was established. They officially became pastors of BWC on September 9, 1998. They held their first service on Easter Sunday, April 4, 1999.  They started off in a storefront at East Main and Allen Heights. The church grew to over 200 people, eventually holding services at the Marriott Hotel.

Pastor Carl is lead by prayer and the Word of God. He is dedicated to serving the local church and advancing the Kingdom of God on earth. God has promised revival here at Bethany and we believe we will see a mighty move of God like never before.

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